Community Health Advisory Forum
The Community Health Advisory Forum (CHAF) brings together local people from across Dundee involved in learning about health and who deliver health-related groups and activities in their own communities. Supported by the Community Health Team, the CHAF meets monthly to share experiences and ideas, hear about local and national developments, and discuss how to take forward action that can help reduce health inequalities. The group links with other local people to find out what matters to them and supports Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and other organisations to ensure that communities are meaningfully involved in decisions that affect health and wellbeing.

CHAF members bring knowledge, skills and experience to support progress towards healthier communities in the city. This is aided by their participation in the accredited Health Issues in the Community Course, which includes modules on health equity, social justice, democracy, and participation. CHAF members strive to understand the issues that affect how people feel about themselves and their community, and the barriers that many people face in trying to achieve positive health and wellbeing. CHAF members are committed to the inequalities agenda and use their local networks to support partners to connect with communities on issues of common concern.
To find out more about the CHAF, including how to join or how to raise an issue, contact Rebekah Muir, Assistant Community Health Worker at or message us on Facebook
The CHAF was formed in 2022. Since then, the group has taken part in many learning activities, consultations, and engagement exercises. It also organises action and events on a local and city-wide level and is looking forward to developing an action plan on what it wants to achieve in 2025. Have a look below to find out about the kinds of things members have been involved in since the group was set up.
December 2022 - Team Building
CHAF members took part in team building activities to build positive working relationships and trust as this was the first time everyone has worked together.
January 2023 - Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership Engagement
Julia Martineau and Joyce Barclay from Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership attended the CHAF meeting to seek input on a new GP premises strategy and the new Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership strategic plan.
March 2023 - Community Education Intern Research
Rebekah Muir, a Community Education Intern who has been supporting with their development, attended the CHAF meeting to present findings from her research into people's experiences of being involved in decision-making processes in Dundee. The findings will be used to inform the continued development of the CHAF.
March 2023 - CHEX Annual Conference
In March, some CHAF members attended the CHEX Community-led Health annual conference in Glasgow to share their experiences and learn from others about taking action to improve health and wellbeing of communities in Scotland.
June 2023 - Community Health Team 20th Anniversary Celebration
CHAF members delivered a workshop at the Community Health Team's 20th Anniversary Celebration event at the Central Baptist Church.
October 2023 - Julia Martineau from Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership visited the CHAF to seek their views on a General Practice strategy which will outline how the 22 General Practices in Dundee will deliver health and psycho-social services over the next 3 years.
November 2023 - three CHAF members attended the Dundee Fairness Leadership Panel annual conference, joining discussions on the cost-of-living response over the past year.
November 2023 - two CHAF members attended the Scottish Communities for Health and Wellbeing gathering in Glasgow.
November 2023 - two CHAF members joined the Community Education class 'Collaborative Action for Social Justice' at University of Dundee to share experiences of working together to influence change and tackle health inequalities.
December 2023 - the group had a well-deserved Christmas celebration where they could reflect on many of the things they had achieved throughout the year.
January 2024 - members of the group met with inspectors from Education Scotland during a Progress Visit to Dundee to share their views and experiences of being involved in the CHAF. The report of the visit stated that the CHAF was an example of best practice in CLD and that involvement had been "transformational". During this month CHAF members also took part in an event to develop a suicide prevention plan for the city.
March 2024 - The manager of Hope Point came to meet with the CHAF to have a constructive and positive discussion and answer questions the group had about how the service operated. The group was also asked to identify a representative to sit on the city's Strategic Leadership Group for Child Poverty and Inequalities.
April 2024 - the group bid a fond farewell to the Community Health Team Leader and looked back on how he had supported them since their formation.
May 2024 - The group was presented with findings from the Engage Dundee survey exploring residents experiences of coping with the cost of living crisis. The group discussed the findings and decided to organise an event later in the year to share information about services that are available to provide support for people who are struggling.
June 2024 - The group was consulted on the development of the new CLD Plan for the city focusing on the section on health inequalities.
August 2024 - the group had a busy meeting with feedback on national events attended by members, and an update from the city's suicide prevention officer on how their comments had been incorporated into the suicide prevention delivery plan. The group also participated in film project to highlight their work.
September 2024 - the group took part in an exercise to help produce a mental health promotion leaflet aimed at people who are struggling to cope and who might not have access to the internet.
October 2024 - the group dedicated this meeting to finalising plans for their Cost of Living event scheduled to take place in November.